Christmas 2024
Does anyone here prepare for Xmas by setting out, decorating with a creche scene? Does everyone here know what a creche scene is? What figures are often seen in a creche? How long have we had it? 800 years. St Francis, 1223 supposedly started it. Did it happen like this? Can we really ask this question? Should we ask instead: What is the symbolism of the creche?
But our “christmas story” comes from two sources. It really is a mashup of Luke and Matthew’s story, isn’t it? Quick bible pop quiz.
Shepherds in their fields? Luke? Wiseman? Matthew Number of wisemen? Names? What about the manger? Luke Cows? Camels? Inn? Luke
Now, I am not going to give some lecture on all the differences and relative few similarities on the two accounts. That would be unfair because it isn’t the point of either author to write an account of Jesus for the purpose of blending it in with another account, to correct or add to. Each has their own point of view which structures their account, their own unique telling of the significance of Jesus’ life for them and their faith community.
So then, the creche is more of an artistic thing for us to ponder, um to ponder the symbolism. If a symbol, then what is the symbolism of the creche? What is the symbolism of the gathering of all these characters here in this scene? What do Matthew and Luke want us to digest? Their stories, though different, both feature two interesting personages, Mary and Joseph. And Mary, rightly, gathers most of our attention.
So let’s focus in on Mary this Christmas day. Did you know that Mary has a nickname? No, it wasn’t Virgin M. Or Jesus’ Mum. The later church gave her a theological nickname. Don’t you wish you had one, like Peter or say, Thomas? Anyways, hers is “theotokos”. It means “god-bearer” in Greek. Another way to translate it would be “mother of God,” but that misses the real depth here. To bear god is to have god inside you, purposefully, growing, affecting you, looking to come forth in some way. The creche scene tells us of the physical birth, but underneath all that is the powerful truth of the christ being birthed in and through Mary, who I think is also a representative of us. She does nothing to deserve this blessing. Did the angel say: “Mary, you’re the most righteous child in all the land. You are chosen.” No, the words of the angel are, Hail Mary, you have been graced by God. There is no earning this. It is bestowed.
The profound work of the Christ was to awaken in all of the disciples, (including us today) the reality of God at work within us. Do we have to earn it? Work for it? Do we even deserve it?
And of the process? What is the mother’s job during pregnancy? Eat? Sleep? Check and make sure there are five fingers on each hand and foot? Pump that heart? One lets nature take its course. Procreation is to create a space, right? If god is being birthed within us, then we must give it space too. The light will break forth in due time. You can help some by drawing back the curtains and raising the blinds, maybe clean the glass as you are able, but there is a divine hand at work so it may be best to just get out of the way!
Mary stands in the creche and says; look to me! I am the god-bearer. Listen to me. You are me . You too are god bearers. You are chosen, nothing to be earned. And it is not one time event, this birthing. This christ child is eternally being birthed within you, says Meister Eckhart, a Dominican mystic teacher.
What I propose, what I preach, what I consider the truest good news I have to give you today, is that the eternal birthing of the christ child within in order to project/connect outward, is the symbol of what has always been present, what happens internally is always moving to express itself externally. The journey of faith does not begin with an external movement (I ask Jesus to come into my life) but begins with birth, an internal event which then becomes an external motion. It is not you and I calling god to come live in us, rather it is understanding that the divine light which has always been in the world and in us wants to work through us. Our journey is all about letting the light of the always being born christ child out through our lives to shine into our world. We are god bearers. We have always been God bearers, theotokos. You are the light of the world, Jesus said. That is who you are because of the christ child having been born and still being born within.
And here is the final piece of the puzzle on the creche for your holiday pondering. What is the creche’s deep symbolism? That it is us. The whole creche is what is going inside of you. Think about it. Admit it, you sometimes feel like there’s a barnyard going on inside. You’ve got some animals in need of feeding. But then you also have some wise people popping in on occasion. Maybe bearing gifts. Sometimes shepherds, sometimes the voice of angels are heard. And that darn drummer boy! And in the middle of all that, the christ child enters the scene. The creche says that the best I can manage to do in the confusion is to offer a feeding trough for a crib. But that’s enough. Into this internal mess the christ enters and begins its work, happily, trying to shine light and live through us the best way that it can.
Meister Eckhart finishes for us: we are all meant to be 'bearers of God's word' (theotokoi) ... [For] what good is it to me for the Creator to give birth to his Son if I do not also give birth to him in my time and place? This, then, is the fullness of time. when the Son of God is begotten in and through us."
Merry Christmas.
Does anyone here prepare for Xmas by setting out, decorating with a creche scene? Does everyone here know what a creche scene is? What figures are often seen in a creche? How long have we had it? 800 years. St Francis, 1223 supposedly started it. Did it happen like this? Can we really ask this question? Should we ask instead: What is the symbolism of the creche?
But our “christmas story” comes from two sources. It really is a mashup of Luke and Matthew’s story, isn’t it? Quick bible pop quiz.
Shepherds in their fields? Luke? Wiseman? Matthew Number of wisemen? Names? What about the manger? Luke Cows? Camels? Inn? Luke
Now, I am not going to give some lecture on all the differences and relative few similarities on the two accounts. That would be unfair because it isn’t the point of either author to write an account of Jesus for the purpose of blending it in with another account, to correct or add to. Each has their own point of view which structures their account, their own unique telling of the significance of Jesus’ life for them and their faith community.
So then, the creche is more of an artistic thing for us to ponder, um to ponder the symbolism. If a symbol, then what is the symbolism of the creche? What is the symbolism of the gathering of all these characters here in this scene? What do Matthew and Luke want us to digest? Their stories, though different, both feature two interesting personages, Mary and Joseph. And Mary, rightly, gathers most of our attention.
So let’s focus in on Mary this Christmas day. Did you know that Mary has a nickname? No, it wasn’t Virgin M. Or Jesus’ Mum. The later church gave her a theological nickname. Don’t you wish you had one, like Peter or say, Thomas? Anyways, hers is “theotokos”. It means “god-bearer” in Greek. Another way to translate it would be “mother of God,” but that misses the real depth here. To bear god is to have god inside you, purposefully, growing, affecting you, looking to come forth in some way. The creche scene tells us of the physical birth, but underneath all that is the powerful truth of the christ being birthed in and through Mary, who I think is also a representative of us. She does nothing to deserve this blessing. Did the angel say: “Mary, you’re the most righteous child in all the land. You are chosen.” No, the words of the angel are, Hail Mary, you have been graced by God. There is no earning this. It is bestowed.
The profound work of the Christ was to awaken in all of the disciples, (including us today) the reality of God at work within us. Do we have to earn it? Work for it? Do we even deserve it?
And of the process? What is the mother’s job during pregnancy? Eat? Sleep? Check and make sure there are five fingers on each hand and foot? Pump that heart? One lets nature take its course. Procreation is to create a space, right? If god is being birthed within us, then we must give it space too. The light will break forth in due time. You can help some by drawing back the curtains and raising the blinds, maybe clean the glass as you are able, but there is a divine hand at work so it may be best to just get out of the way!
Mary stands in the creche and says; look to me! I am the god-bearer. Listen to me. You are me . You too are god bearers. You are chosen, nothing to be earned. And it is not one time event, this birthing. This christ child is eternally being birthed within you, says Meister Eckhart, a Dominican mystic teacher.
What I propose, what I preach, what I consider the truest good news I have to give you today, is that the eternal birthing of the christ child within in order to project/connect outward, is the symbol of what has always been present, what happens internally is always moving to express itself externally. The journey of faith does not begin with an external movement (I ask Jesus to come into my life) but begins with birth, an internal event which then becomes an external motion. It is not you and I calling god to come live in us, rather it is understanding that the divine light which has always been in the world and in us wants to work through us. Our journey is all about letting the light of the always being born christ child out through our lives to shine into our world. We are god bearers. We have always been God bearers, theotokos. You are the light of the world, Jesus said. That is who you are because of the christ child having been born and still being born within.
And here is the final piece of the puzzle on the creche for your holiday pondering. What is the creche’s deep symbolism? That it is us. The whole creche is what is going inside of you. Think about it. Admit it, you sometimes feel like there’s a barnyard going on inside. You’ve got some animals in need of feeding. But then you also have some wise people popping in on occasion. Maybe bearing gifts. Sometimes shepherds, sometimes the voice of angels are heard. And that darn drummer boy! And in the middle of all that, the christ child enters the scene. The creche says that the best I can manage to do in the confusion is to offer a feeding trough for a crib. But that’s enough. Into this internal mess the christ enters and begins its work, happily, trying to shine light and live through us the best way that it can.
Meister Eckhart finishes for us: we are all meant to be 'bearers of God's word' (theotokoi) ... [For] what good is it to me for the Creator to give birth to his Son if I do not also give birth to him in my time and place? This, then, is the fullness of time. when the Son of God is begotten in and through us."
Merry Christmas.